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Kick Command

const isAdmin: CommandGuard = (ctx) => {
if (ctx.executor.UserId !== 1) {
ctx.error("Insufficient permission!");
return false;
return true;
class KickCommand {
name: "kick",
description: "Kick a player",
arguments: [
name: "player",
description: "Player to kick",
type: CenturionType.Player
kick(ctx: CommandContext, player: Player) {
player.Kick("You have been kicked from the server.");
ctx.reply(`Successfully kicked ${player.Name}`);

Info Command

const isAdmin: CommandGuard = (ctx) => {
if (ctx.executor.UserId !== 1) {
ctx.error("Insufficient permission!");
return false;
return true;
name: "info",
description: "View info about a user or the server",
name: "user",
description: "View info about a user",
parent: ["info"],
name: "server",
description: "View info about the server",
parent: ["info"],
// Assigning a group to the class will
// make all commands in the class belong to that group
// Similar to the above, this assigns the
// provided guard(s) to all commands in the class
class InfoCommand {
// This command will be executable through
// "info user view" once registered!
name: "view",
arguments: [
name: "player",
description: "Player to display information about",
type: CenturionType.Player,
userView(ctx: CommandContext, player: Player) {
ctx.reply(`<Random data about ${player.Name}...>`);
// This command can have the same name as the above command, because it
// is grouped under "server" instead.
// This command will be executable through
// "info server view" once registered!
name: "view",
serverView(ctx: CommandContext) {
ctx.error("Not implemented!");